How Jiu Jitsu Sydney Saved My Life In More Ways Than One
It’s a scorching hot day in July of 2022, to be promoted to the anticipated brown belt level.
There I am (red faced), standing in front of the whole class, queued up in two rows parallel to me.
These students look eager for payback, holding their belts in hand, ready to give me an ass whooping.
This is a ritual, where the practitioner that gets promoted to the next colored belt. Has to walk through a gauntlet of students — giving them (individually) a chance to whip the freshly promoted student.
Scary I know. But very rewarding.
During this ordeal, I take a moment to reflect on the many times Jiu Jitsu has helped save my life.
Here are four long-life lessons, that anyone can apply. Even those who don’t have any martial art ambitions.
Lesson 1: Anything made possible can only be achieved through perseverance
The word “perseverance” gets thrown a lot, via social media and videos — but what does that actually mean?
In essence, it’s the ability to keep moving towards a goal. Despite facing obstacles and setbacks.
We all know that any accomplishments aren’t possible without a little perseverance.
During one of my matches in a local comp. I was down by 4 points and was stuck in a bad position, with only 2 minutes left on the clock. The only two options were to either, let the opponent win — as I was over matched. Under-sized. Out classed, and my training leading up to the comp was pretty much non-existent.
The other option — was to keep fighting and leave everything I had left on the line.
“When you get into a tight place, and everything goes against you… Never give up then, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn.” —Harriet Beecher Stowe
When the match ended, I got my hand raised with a mixed feeling of relief and euphoria.
If I were asked to explain my victory. I could only point to pure heart and the belief in myself. Along with the perseverance to look for the right opportunity. So, if you ever find yourself backed against the wall, without a solution in sight. Just know, that the answer is waiting for you around the corner.
Lesson 2: Self-control is the pathway to self-mastery
In a small town in Brazil, a baby was born named Helio. Growing up as a frail and sickly child. His doctors often said that he wouldn’t be able to participate in any physical activities.
However, as a determined young lad he would make it his life’s mission to prove everyone wrong.
One day, as a teenager he was being introduced to the art of Jiu Jitsu by his older brother. The further he trained, the more he realized that his weak frame always had him at a disadvantage.
But through years of trial and error. He managed to develop a new style that relied on leverage and technique over brute strength.
He called this style “Gracie Jiu Jitsu” – Brazilian Jiu Jitsu was then born.
His style is even still being taught in classes till this day. His legacy now lives through the countless students around the world.
Like Helio, you too can be on the path to learn self-control.
– By accepting your situation, and taking ownership of your behavior, emotions, and thoughts —
In doing so, you will be one step closer to self-mastery.
Some of the benefits to working on self-control. Include: Developing self-discipline, resilience, being goal orientated, and improved decision-making abilities.
Lesson 3: Remain humble in all that you do
In Jiu-Jitsu, it’s common to encounter opponents. Who are stronger, faster, younger, or more experienced than you.
To succeed, it’s important to accept this and not be discouraged. This can help you develop humility and a growth mindset.
To improve in Jiu-Jitsu and other areas of life. It’s important to be open to learning from others, regardless of their rank or experience.
Recognizing that you can learn from anyone. Can be applied to other areas of your life, such as work, personal, sports, or even your spiritual life.
During one training session. I was paired with a white belt, whom I have wrestled with many times before – usually getting the upper hand.
His much stronger, taller, younger, hungrier, and had limitless stamina. He also had an attitude of Connor McGregor due to his Irish heritage.
To my surprise, during our sparring session. He managed to put me in a bad position, and I had to tap out to a position that I was very familiar with escaping from.
“Sometimes you win. Sometimes you learn.” –unknown
Appreciating the value of failure and using it as an opportunity to learn and grow. Will help you develop, humility and resilience.
Speeding up your growth and knowledge in all areas of your life.
Lesson 4: Respect is earned and reciprocated
After having my arm raised in victory, in my local comp.
My opponent “Josh” and I enjoyed a pleasant conversation — sharing stories and techniques. On what we can improve on and complementing on each other’s styles.
We also later realized we knew a lot of the same people. Admittedly, my respect and admiration grew, leading to form a genuine friendship.
One of the very first lessons you learn from day one, is treating others with respect.
As the sport of Jiu-Jitsu requires a lot of close physical contact. And can sometimes be very intense and competitive, regardless of whether your friends or strangers.
You’re taught to always take care of each other. You treat your coaches and training partners with the same respect and care.
You can also apply this to work colleagues and other relationships. By listening to their advice. Being on time and showing respect for authority figures.
This in turn, will help you advance in climbing the corporate ladder.
In summary, practicing Jiu Jitsu Sydney can provide valuable life lessons.
That can be applied to various aspects of your life. These lessons include — perseverance, self-control, humility, and respect.
Through pushing forward, past obstacles and setbacks. Learning to control one’s emotions and thoughts. Remaining open to learning from others and treating people with respect.
Individuals can not only improve their martial arts skills. But also improve their own well-being and relationships.
These universal lessons can be beneficial for anyone. Regardless, if you want to pursue martial arts or not.